Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Limbo: How low can you go?

“You know, the key with us is we set the bar low.  That way we got a pretty good chance of winding up happy.”

That quote was at the tail end of a video snippet of my favorite author, Michael Perry, explaining his family’s approach to farming, available here:

It pretty much runs counter to what we’ve always said, right?  Aim high, set stretch goals, exceed expectations, do your best!!!

He said that with farming, given his travel schedule and unpredictable Wisconsin weather, he’s happy if they can just grow a little corn to feed to the chickens, so his family can have fresh eggs.  Maybe they can raise a few pigs, and take care of the land they own.  He’s not trying to make a living as a farmer, or grow state fair prize winning vegetables.  Low bar = happy with the results.

I think we need to keep most of our bars high – succeed in school, figure out a career path, manage your money, treat others kindly.  Don’t forget about the low bars, though.  The daily successes will give you the motivation to attack the bigger goals. 

What low bar triumphs have you had lately?  Today, I scrubbed a bathroom, made phone calls and typed this while two babies took naps, and enjoyed a healthy lunch with Mackenzie.  All in all, a good morning.

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