Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome year 2

A year ago when I started this blog I wrote about fooling my family into eating veal, black-eyed peas, and stewed tomatoes for good luck in the new year by calling it spaghetti and meat sauce.  Did we have good luck over the past year?  Did this family tradition help us out or was it just another meal with some of the food groups represented?

Looking back I am thankful for many blessings, luck, good fortune, or whatever you may want to call it.  Baby Wyatt (also known as Doc) arrived safely.  Maybe that sounds like it should be no big deal if you already have four kids, but ask anyone who has had a miscarriage or four and they will tell you that lines on a stick are no guarantee.

The big kids are doing well in school and Sunday School.  There were no trips to the ER, which I know is the place several of my friends spent the holidays.  The siblings all need to get along better and realize they are on the same team, but each day we have another opportunity to work on that.

Christopher and I carved out time for date nights, usually to try a restaurant and play food critic.  Among the highlights this year have been FT33, The Blind Butcher, Amberjax, and Kitchen LTO, all in Dallas.  I enjoyed our day trip to Waco where we ate at Schmaltz's.  We love using that kid-free (or fewer kid) time to collaborate on ideas for Mama's Pockets and Never Forget Foundation.

I returned to my day job and found that they didn't forget about me and there was still plenty of work to do, which is a good combination when you have a mortgage.  I have said it before, but it is truly a wonderful thing to be part of a company that not only allows but encourages me to balance work and family.

So, what's for dinner?  Spaghetti and meat sauce.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine your day job would forget you. We are lucky to have worked for such a company. It says something for a company to have so many employees when have been there a long time. So many opportunities to grow and contribute. I'm having champagne for dinner. ;-)
