Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I have mentioned before that people will occasionally call maternity leave "vacation" and that I usually respond with something about how it is not much of a vacation to spend three months in a constant state of semi-awakeness while learning how to do everything one-handed.  Nobody believes me except other parents of multitudes, but this new baby in the house thing really does get easier each time.  I don't remember a single productive thing I did while on maternity leave with Dodge.  It was too much of an ordeal to even go to the grocery store.  By now, I navigate the aisles with 5 kids without much of a hiccup, although we do call it a "girls day out" when just Corda, Mac, and I go shopping (with the baby along for the ride of course).  

On the whole, since I am not working (outside the home) at the moment, I am far busier, or at least more active, than normal.  Instead of sitting at a desk for 8 hours, I have time to do all the other stuff that doesn't get done when I am at work all day, but that work also multiplies.  Instead of cooking and and cleaning up just dinner, all the meals and several snacks fill the days.  Toys that were put away once magically reappear several more times.  Nevertheless, I have been cleaning out closets, studying, failing miserably to install a garbage disposal, and trying my hand at applying for grants for Never Forget Foundation.  I may need to go back to work for a break.

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