Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Fifteen years ago tomorrow Christopher and I got married.  It was a warm and sunny day in Fredericksburg, Virginia.  I tossed flowers to little cousins who are now in college.  My grandmother lectured me about hills and valleys and bumps in the road.  We went home and wrote thank you cards and finished packing for our European adventure.  Beggars stole the bread off our table in Paris.  We drove overnight on the "wrong" side of the road.  Every honeymoon picture has me in my favorite sweater that I wore for years until it had holes.

We have some pictures but no videos.  No tweets or posts or blogs.  Yet we can remember details from those days more clearly than most others.  The next day that I could recount minute by minute would be Dodge's birth, and then the younger kids.  Our wedding was the birth of our family.

So, go with me here for a minute. If the firstborn is the marriage, did you care for it like the typical overprotective new parent?  Did you buy it a wipe warmer?  Did you call the doctor when it sneezed?  What about now?  How are you nurturing your now teenage baby?  As for us, we will celebrate with Mickey D's and baseball practice....but never fear, mommy/daddy tasting menu lunch date part two is coming up soon.

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