Sunday, December 28, 2014


The long neglected blog returns!

I had a pretty good track record with the weekly blog concept until a couple of months ago when my focus shifted to other projects and obligations.  Each Wednesday passed and I fell asleep thinking if I had something really interesting to write about, I would take the ten minutes to do it.  The daily routine of work, meals, homework, cleanup, and bedtime sometimes lends itself to the mindset that each day is just like the last, and therefore not very newsworthy.  This year I took some clear steps to break that monotony – I just didn’t take time to write about it!

Most recently, I focused my creative energy on my hobby, Mama’s Pockets.  I am having so much fun choosing fabrics for baby slings and thinking about new products.  The time spent sewing requires concentration, but not to the detriment of the little kids, who play at my feet.  Corda picks through my remnants for her favorites and is learning to sew next to me.

I chose the name Mama’s Pockets because some of my earliest memories are of my mom wearing cardigan sweaters that had pockets.  All day long she could be found picking up the treasures that we left behind and sticking them in her pockets as a temporary home on their journey to their proper place.  Pennies, Legos, you name it.  In her pockets they would be safe.  Throughout the day I would reach in and see if she had anything good that I didn’t even know I had lost yet. 

I have friends who pick a word of the year at New Year’s instead of a resolution.  I have used the word focus a couple of times here and will use it as my motivation in 2015.  I will focus my spare time on strategic, manageable growth of Mama’s Pockets.  Here’s to endeavors that bring you joy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks, Diane. Even we childless women can use this inspiration. Focus is a very good word for the New Year. I will try it too.
