Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Late night movie review

I am watching The Impossible, the Naomi Watts/Ewan McGregor film about a family's struggle to reunite with each other after being ripped apart by the Indian Ocean tsunami over Christmas vacation in 2004.  Let's just say I will not be sleeping tonight. It is reminding me a lot of James Franco's 127 Hours about the man in Utah who got his arm trapped under a boulder while hiking.  Both movies are so intense in depicting the agony.  You know how you yell at the athletes on TV when they fumble the ball or cheer them on when they catch an interception?  I'm sitting here barking at the characters in the movie when they make boneheaded decisions and rooting for them to make it out okay as if it is happening in real time before my eyes.  I would definitely recommend both of these movies....just not right before your next vacation!

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