Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Yes, spaghetti can be lucky

Each time I watch the movie or read the book Julie & Julia, I think I need to cook more and write more because doing one or both will make me rich and famous.  If it worked for Julie Powell, then it will work for me, right?  We'll ignore the fact that her next book was about how a little bit of fame led her to butcher her personal life, because that part of the story doesn't really factor into my ten year plan.  So, in combination with the arrival of the new year, plans for healthy eating, schemes to get my kids to do what I want them to do, desires to somehow capture these fleeting moments so that I will have something to laugh about when they all move away (and they will move away), and the aforementioned goal to be rich and famous, I present to you Wednesday Words.  I am far too busy with the logistics of working, mothering, and wife-ing (because that is now a word) to promise you my foibles, recipes, and words of wisdom more frequently than that, but as Julie and her husband say, you need a deadline if for no other reason than to hear it whooshing past.  So if it is Wednesday (in this or some other time zone or dimension), you can plan to hear from me.

On this Wednesday, the goal is to get the kids to eat the traditional New Year's Day good luck foods without complaint.  By that I mean without them knowing it.  So, rather than breaded veal chops and tiny scoops of black-eyed peas and stewed tomatoes (I don't know why those bring good luck, but I am not one to question such things), this mama is making spaghetti and meat sauce.  I just won't talk about what kind of meat or what those lumpy things are in the sauce.  I'm betting that four out of the six of us enjoy this meal and the other two will just have to make their own luck, which, by the way, is the message we preach the other 364 days out of the year anyway.

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